Friday, February 1, 2008

Life so far during these holidays is just plain boring. Timing is sometimes off cuz everyone have their own plans. There is nothing much to do these day as you get older except to study study study. True to say that I must put in double the effort to catch up. Its just that at times studying the whole time just makes things seem......endless. Sometimes i wonder if I didnt join med school and did something else how would it be. I'm not regretting that I chose to do medicine.Life in med school so far has its ups and downs but I'm really loving it:) I just find that I have just too much responsibilities currently to do such a course where I need to be studying continuously. You see my parent(yes parent.....its always 1 of the 2 who is creates problems for me.Needless to say which. You guys should know;P) has an OCD for cleanliness.

Spring cleaning in my house is basically the annual cleaning.Difference is, it takes the whole spring time to do so. Since when did we had 4 seasons anyway? I blame global warming and er.....the highway in front of my house. Subang is getting crowder by the days. Anyways, cleaning up like I said is tedious. It always start 1 month before chinese new year and new year. The rational is simply to prepare for a new year. So there will be 1 session in December and another in January?? I wanna stick the definitions of rational around the house now*scribble* This is why it takes so long to do spring cleaning. The cleaning is done in parts cuz its virtually impossible to do it all in 1 day(actually possible wan). 1 part can take a whole day. Then after that the floor must be vacuumed and mopped. And I mean the whole floor! Even if the part is upstairs at 1 section, the whole house must be mopped. This is because when we walk up and down to change the mops water or get drinks or watever reason la, we seem to transmit the dust particles around. OK! I can accept that. But then.......we're gonna clean another part tomorrow. So cant we just not step into that corner and leave the mopping for tomorrow? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
And not to mention that 1 part must be sparkling clean.

Basically whatever that can be seen must give that satisfactory squeek. I wonder whether the books,roof or even waste bins are suppose to squeek too?? hmm..... Over the years I've always shallowed all this. Becuz it is true la the house is kinda dirty. But the regime of my house's hygiene is too much of a torture. It feels like those Eygptian slaves who are forced to built the great Pyramid. Sigh. Despite all that I still do as i've been told. Not much of a choice for me actually. I cant let them(parents) do it alone. I wonder how will they all fare when I leave for Seremban.......Moderation is a new word that has to be learned here.

all prep'd up for inviting the new year.....took me some time to do this due to the wiring and climbing up the ladder to hang it.
the overall view:) no the lights are symmetrical. Its just that the light were blinking thats why the left side looks like its dropping. My skills are leet.

Here's some event that occurred recently since my last post.

My cousin got married:) Well he was already unofficially married in UK adi. Just came back to officiate things to us(paternal side) I guess. So the baby is expected soon I guess;P The wedding was really elaborate. But that how my uncle likes to do events. Always big and crowded. This particular event is fine. The food was great and since its a wedding there was alot of bottles opened up:)
Dinner was hectic at the beginning. I was posted as a receptionist for the dinner wedding. But when I arrived, my job was already being taken by some random people I didnt know. So I chilled around at the bar for a drink and some tid bits. Next thing I know, the whole reception was in a mess. Well serves them right for taking my job;P I wouldnt caused something like that. Noobs! lol No la actually its because everyone was so damn impatient to be seated. Stupid dato and datins. I know you all are of high stature but so is everybody else there. So cant you all just wait in line and dont fucking snatch the name list and then just toss it around?!?!? Not only did you all act like kids, you all were rude towards lil'ol me who was trying desperately to make things better. A person who holds a pencil is not necessarily a writer. Wearing a manager-looking-coat does not necessarily make me one. Not only was I given fed-up faces and harsh tones of words, one of you actually said I lack experience handling big events??? W.T.F. Politician acting so unorganized is really bad if the pictures and videos are publicly released you know*uploads on www*.....Anyways thats the bride and groom with the band singing at the back.

P.s.....The two at the left are my aunt n uncle actually. Not part of the band. The song was better of without them. And mum your so not going to have my baby pictures up on the projector...

hoho....this is to die for

My kinda rifle. One that gives me good shots ;)

what type of bottles I like? those which are emptied by me...

First time getting to see something like these. Now when I think of it, I didnt get any of that!!

Hey the food was good ok......And it was tiring trying to handle the reception....randomness

Had the annual foosball bbq party few days ago. It was a blast. Less people, more food, and more fun. I was THE senior there. Luckily I stayed back to actually handle it. Turns out that Sree didnt tell Barath nuts about organizing a bbq. Barath being the a vegetarian obviously doesnt know what to bbq. If i didnt helped him I guess we would be eating bbqed carrots, brinjals, cucumber, etc etc.....dun mind corn and potato though:) Due to the heavy rain that day, we managed to do it in IMU's premises.

We actually had fish....It wasnt that bad actually. Should have done ikan bakar lo...
I know its blur but that actually Jefferey. Since his going away thought I get him something at least...he was crying......I have the video*ehehehe*

kinda nice to be able to do it in a shaded area with the rain keeping us cool. Bbqs are usually hot due to the pits...
Our TNB generator providing us lighting;P thx Alvin
not sure what we are cooking here.......but everything tasted good so doesnt matter:P we no need know what we ate. Its better that way at times.

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