Friday, September 4, 2009

A particular event happened few days ago. It made me realized why you were the one back then, even though there were other choices, you were that special 1. And as i think about it, i feel fortunate at times that I've tasted such experience when I am with you. Although now its all looking like a plane crash site now, despite it all, I guess you were worth it. I have fallen and though i know i need to keep my chin up high and hike back up, i feel fatigued. But theres nothing else i can do or say...i think....dunno how would i be able to close this chapter; not sure if this is the time to do so or whether i should let the chapter slowly close itself. But what i do know, is that if it were ever to close, it would have been closed unwillingly. If you do read this, i just want you to be happy. And its the least i can do now.


Anonymous said...

A wise man once said that there are lotsa fish in the sea.

I prefer sashimi. :o


Anonymous said...

was tat suppose 2 be a joke?wtf? so potong stim

Anonymous said...

joke + advice :P
